How to Create A Screen Recording & Convert it to GIF in Mac?

While executing projects, I always wanted to take a video recording of my execution and host it along with my github blog. However, it has always troubled me on how I would make this. Luckily if you are on Mac, you can use the Quick Time Player to record the screen. (which I thought was... Continue Reading →

Confusion Matrix | Machine Learning

Remember the Confusion Matrix might be well 'confusing'. One easy way to understand the confusion matrix is to practically associate each section of the confusion matrix to a real event and a prediction. The real event in this case is having a fire vs not having a fire. The predicted event in this case will... Continue Reading →

The 4 things it takes to be an expert – Human vs AI These four things actually made me think of what's required for AI to learn something 1. Repeated Attempts with feedback: This represents the data you've got and its labels, or alternatively actual attempts and rewards in the case of reinforcement learning. Examples are AI "attempting" to classify images of dogs/cats and being told it's... Continue Reading →

Bias Variance Trade Off | Machine Learning

What is Low Bias? A low-biased method fits training data very well. If we change training sets, we’ll get significantly different models . What is High Variance? The amount by which varies as we change training sets is called variance. The above f varies a lot as we change training sets, and this indicates high variance. What about High... Continue Reading →

Precision vs Recall | Machine Learning

Precision and Recall are two very important metrics for a Classifier ML Model. One easy way to remember the definitions is: Precision What the classifier is saying is infact true Let's say your classifier has a 90% precision. It means your classifier keeps its word. When it says it sees an apple, you can consider... Continue Reading →

How to uninstall Cold Turkey on Mac

Uninstall Cold Turkey on Mac Go to Applications, find Cold Turkey.Right click on Cold Turkey and choose “Show Package Contents”Right click on the Package Contents, choose to move to trash.Restart the Mac.Go to Applications, right click on Cold Turkey, choose move to trash. Now, the Cold Turkey is uninstalled.

5 Most Important Skills to Master

There are many skills that one could master in a life term however, according to Naval Ravikanth, these 5 skills are considered basic and important that may not directly make money but in the long term these skills will keep you adaptable and gives you the basic tools needed to excel at anything. 1) Reading... Continue Reading →

The Elusive Modulus Operator!

We have all learnt the modulus operator(%) in our childhood. But the more we turn into adults and start programming, we soon realize how elusive the Modulus operators can be. I was on a frenzy when I encountered this modulus operator during one of my lessons in Probability. There seems to be two variations of... Continue Reading →

CS-7637: Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Systems: OMSCS Course Review

Unclear page count requirements for Journals and unnecessary deductions.Deductions for missing margins in “JDF” format seems very picky.Lengthy Homework Questions with unclear asks. Makes me wonder how I will be evaluated. Questions could be more straight to the point.Some of the homework questions and page count restrictions do not make sense. (Only option was attaching... Continue Reading →

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